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We have discontinued our offerings of "audio cassettes" .

All our popular titles are now available on CDs.

$3.50 each or 4 for $10.00 -- All titles below $50.00

CDs are in the aiff format and should play on most all CD players.


Scroll down the page and check out the different titles.


All of these messages are by Lorri MacGregor, a former 15 year veteran zealous Jehovah's witness who found that Jesus and His finished work alone at Calvary paid the full price of our salvation. She now lovingly reaches back to tell others that their own works and their belonging or clinging to a particular organization cannot and will not save them.

"For it is by grace are you have been saved, through faith - and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God -

not by works, so that no one can boast." (Ephesians 2:8-9 NIV)

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CD (AIFF) AUDIO Teachings

by Lorri MacGregor

$3.50 each or 4 for $10.00 -- All titles below $50.00



Jehovah's Witness Titles


Discription of message.



Fractured Families


 Thousands of families are split apart by the influence of the teachings and attitudes of the Watchtower Society and other groups. Learn some strategies for how to live with a Jehovah's witness in the family and effective ways to protect children as well as the elderly.



JWs and the Real Jesus


 Find out the difference and compare the Jesus of the Watchtower and the Jesus of the Bible.





Lorri's Testimony pt 1


This covers Lorri's fifteen years as a Jehovah's Witness and how the Lord set her free. It reveals how the Society turned on her for asking honest hearted questions and how she finally disassociated herself. It also explains how and why she and her husband Keith dedicated themselves to reaching those still entrapped in the organization.

Now available in Audio on the web. Listen to it live!http://www.jwinfoline.com/Page/audio.htm



Lorri's Testimony pt 2


 1979 and on... This CD covers the exciting and humorous experiences in the ministry that Lorri and Keith have encountered since 1979. Included are minstry experiences in Australia, England and extensively all over North America, up until the late 90's.



 New Heavens, New Earth and the Kingdom


Christians are often so focussed on heaven that they cannot discuss the new earth with Jehovah's Witnesses. This tape prepares them.


Pagan Roots of the J W's


 Current Watchtower publications make frequent reference to so called 'pagan' practices of Christendom. This tape unmasks some of the many pagan roots and practices in the history of the Socity which present day witnesses rarely know about and can't adequately defend.



Pay Attention to Daniel's Prophecy


 JW's urge their followers to "Pay attention to Daniel", but do they really? A critique.



Presenting Truth to JW's


 What you can say to Jehovah's Witnesses when they come to your door or on the street corners. There are several short effective presentations that usually only require you to use one or two Bible verses



State of the Dead


 Where are the dead? What exactly does the Bible teach about the afterlife?



Understanding the Trinity


 Usually sooner rather than later you will be challenged on this vital doctrine. While there is great mystery surrounding the nature of God, you can be prepared to share what God has revealed about Himself in the Bible.


 Other Titles



Counterfeit Christianity


 How can you detect the genuine from the counterfeit? This tape will equip you with effective and essential questions that in determining whether or not the group you are discussing represents the man-made religion or the genuine article



Christianizing Martial Arts


 Can the Martial Arts ever be compatible with Christianity? What are the dangers?



Doctrinal Integrity


 Does Doctrine matter? How can we keep integrity before God regarding doctrine?



Examining New Age Movement


 This provides a Christian perspective on some of the many new age influences we find so pervasive in our North American culture.



Facts Mormons Won't Tell You


 At your door or in their proselytising literature the Mormons (L.D.S) make themselves appear on the surface to be Christian. Find out several of the things they won't tell you up-front that they actually do believe which separates them from historic Christianity.



Laughter & Deliverance


 These controversial subjects are examined from a Biblical perspective. Should Christians be involved in these practices? This tape will help you to make a decision on a more informed basis.



Presenting Truth to Mormons


 Where do you begin? What questions should you ask? Learn these witnessing tips and be prepared when your next unexpected or expected opportunity arises.



Reviewing the Vineyard


 Talks about the early days of the Vineyard movement and what direction they are going.



SDA Facts They Won't Tell You


 Are they just another denomination or sect or do they have aberrant doctrines which separate them from mainstream Christianity? Also answered is the question of whether or not they have changed in the last twenty years.



The Whitewashing of E.G. White


 What have SDA's covered up concerning their Prophetess?



Starting a Ministry To The Cults


 Practical down-to-earth suggestions concerning the day-to-day realities of setting up and operating a ministry to those caught in alternate belief systems.



Who are the 2x2s


 A new examination of the group that claims they have "no name" but are known by names such as The Dippers, Black Stockings, Cooneyites, etc. While their zealous workers go two-by-two across the country they typically have no knowledge of the roots and founders of their group. You will find informative and factual information.

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